9. Sankar, U., Silldorff, E. P., Uminski, C., & Crowther, G. J. (in prep). Can animal and alien examples elicit higher-order thinking and human physiology?
8. Burgess, T., Uminski, C., & Couch, B. A. (in prep). Monitoring student resource use when completing a low-stakes, out-of-class concept assessment.
7. Uminski, C., Wright, L. K., & Newman, D. L. (in revision) Chromosome confusion: Probing visual literacy skills reveals that undergraduate students struggle to understand chromosome structure and function.
6. Esparza, D., Amin, N. E., Halmo, S., Hazlett, Z. S., Heim, A. B., Frings, F. G., Uminski, C., Von der Mehden, B., Wright, A. M., Yang, M. (accepted). Guiding discipline-based education research trainees through career transitions with inclusive and accessible organizational support. In Eston, C., Lightner, T., Greenler, R (Eds.), Understanding Membership Diversity and Supporting Equitable STEM Communities. Lexington Books.
5. Uminski, C. & Couch, B. A. (in revision) Identifying factors associated with instructor implementation of three-dimensional assessments in undergraduate biology courses.
4. Newman, D. L., Uminski, C., & Wright, L. K. (2024). Student-generated analogies for learning about information flow. CourseSource, 11.
3. Uminski, C., Burbach, S. M., & Couch, B. A. (2024). Undergraduate biology lecture courses predominantly test facts about science rather than scientific practices. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 23(2), ar19.
2. Uminski, C., Hubbard, J. K., & Couch, B. A. (2023). How administration stakes and settings affect student behavior and performance on a biology concept assessment. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 22(2), ar27.
1. Uminski, C. & Couch, B. A. (2021). GenBio-MAPS as a case study to understand and address the effects of test-taking motivation in low-stakes program assessments. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 20(2), ar20.